Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Inspiration from reality..

I take much of my inspiration from real life, when i go to London i see all the real crackheads and the places they hang out, which is generally in the poor grotty areas of London. They congregate together like a small family, or you have the loaner crackheads that are always alone and have trouble talking to people. So my characters are basically going to be just that, dirty, paranoid, depressed,crazy crackhead clowns. 
Here are some pictures to give you an idea of what these people are like:


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Genre Study... Mockumentary

The genre of my opening sequence is going to be in the style of Mockumentary. A Mockumentary is a type of film or tv show where fictional events are shown in a Documentary format. They are often used to comment on current events. They can be in comedic, dramatic, sad... style. Mockumentarys are often mainly improviesd, this uunscripted style of acting helps to maintain a sense of relism to the film, so the audience can think its real. 
My Mockumentary is about crack-head homeless clowns- i use the reallity of Crack-head homeless people on the streets of london, and i combine it with clowns to make it humerous and not as hard hitting as the reality of the matter. But my intention is to make people think about the real crackheads and sympathise with their suffering, try to look upon them more favourably next time they see one on the streets.

Here is a list of famous Mockumentaries: Borat, Forgotten Silver, Zelig, A Mighty Wind, Bruno, A Day Without a Mexican, All You Need is Cash, Come Fly with Me, Alien Autopsy etc....

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Overview: I am going to make a documentary style movie opening sequence. So basically it is a fictional story done as if it is real with the whole interview on the street type thing. Its all about crackhead clowns, they are homeless, whacked  out their minds, dirty and of course on a mission to get more crack. 

My main source of inspiration is my own book that im illustrating and writing about the clowns, but in terms of camera angles and shots and editing, the movie requiem for a dream directed by Darren Aronofsky. Like requiem for a dream i will be using different camera lenses and filters to make really distorted disturbing shots so its like a drug trip for the viewer . Ill use a wide range of shots and angles to make it as interesting as possible. Its going to be set in really grotty dirty alleyways in rough parts of london like deptford and peckam. 
Other Inspiration comes from the music i listen to and other films, such as hobo with a shotgun.