Monday, February 11, 2013


Digetic and non-digetic sound

My opening sequence relies heavilly on sound to give it the impact i desire it to have on the audience. Because its fast paced editing, i will need some fast paced music, and because the content is morbid but funny, i will need morbid but funny music. We are not allowed to used copyrighted music, and theres not alot of music out there that would suit my film. However, i am in a band, we right all our own music, and its all about crackhead clowns, and homeless people. So i think this will be a good genre of music for my film, its original, and relates to the topic of the film. The genre of the music is a whole new genre on its own, which i have decided to call Deth Funk, it is a combination of many different genres in one played with wierd guitar tunings, and blast beat drumming. I will record the track profffessionaly and lay it over in the software. At the moment i am undecided if i will have a narrator giving information about the film, or if i should just let the film speak for itself...