Monday, December 3, 2012

Story board... Kind of... With words.

Establishing shot looking down a dark dirty alley way
Mid shot of Bozo the clown looking down really depressed, sitting cross legged with his back to the alley wall. We can see that he is surrounded by trash and filth, he has dustbins on one side of him
Extreme close up of crack pipe being put in between his crusty lips, and he inhales
Mid shot of Bozo again, he breathes out the smoke into the camera, so we cant see him properly, smoke blurs his face as it lingers, then when it clears we see his face properly for the first time
Long shot of him looking forward miserably
Bozo the clown appears letter by letter on the right side of him, looks as if it was spray painted.
Moving shot forward towards a pair of clowns, sitting on an anchor at night time laughing hysterically
Spinning shot with one of the clowns, (the clown spins and the camera follows)
 creating a disorientated feeling for the audience
Mid shot of that clown, fast forwarded, his name appears too in the same manner as Bozo
Long shot of the next clown walking happily around the anchor, on crack
mid to close up shot of him lying curled in a ball next to the anchor crying and looking desperate
His name appears 
Credits will appear at random ties integrated with the mise en scene ie on bits of trash, on the clowns, maybe the clown will hold a cardboard sign with credits on it, maybe credits can be spelled out in needle tracks on one clowns arm. These are just a few ideas, some of these i am definitely using.

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