Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Target Audience 

Seeing as my film is about drug abusing clowns, its only fair to say that my target audience is the drug abusers themselves. I think this because, the film will appear to be a bit comical, like a pastiche, but they will realize that it has a very serious message behind it, and it will show people what might happen to them if they delve into the world of crack. Its also for teenagers from 15 onward  but the film would probably have an age restriction of 18, because it will contain drug abuse, bad language, violence, and some disturbing content. But let's face it... Teenagers don't care about age restrictions! If they want to watch a movie they're not supposed to, they will, so this will be made with them in mind. The rest of my target audience is all the weird, deranged sick people out there with a sadistic sense of humor such as myself. 

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