Thursday, January 3, 2013


I think an important part of my story is representation. Because the subject matter of my opening sequence is dark, drug addiction, it is a living hell that people cant imagine, or don't want to. So i found that it would be much more interesting and less shocking or disturbing if i used clowns, because you aren't meant to take clowns seriously, they hurt themselves and get into uncomfortable situations for the pleasure of the audience viewing them. So if the hardcore drug addicts are clowns, people may see my video in a different light, they may take a more sympathetic view on real life drug addicts. Also because clowns are supposed to represent something funny, so if you make something funny do something very bad it creates a strange kind of paradox in the viewers mind, and they are unsure of how they feel i.e the audience is slightly disturbed and confused.
However i understand that clowns are also perceived as being scary, evil and the most morbid people on earth, so i think they will create some really interesting characters, and if the audience is scared of clowns-they will feel fear and panick as they watch, which is what the clowns themselves feel.

Here is an example  the picture of the real life drug addict is much more upsetting and hard hitting than the picture of the clown.

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